Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Need advice (on acupuncture again)

This is one of those deals where I ask you what you would do, were you in my shoes. I'm 7DPO. In the past couple of days I've started getting mildest rumblings of heartburn, and occasional, very mild nausea. Mind you, I've had stuff that feels like nausea once in a non-pregnant cycle too. I attribute all my pregnency-esque symptoms (breast tenderness, the very occasional nausea) in such cycles to high progesterone. Now, I think I'm feeling more than I did then and more regularly, but it is hard to say that with real certainty.

My acupuncturist wanted to see me on around the time of implantation. Now, given that each session costs a 100$, I go only when I feel it is has a decent enough chance at helping me. Whatever my issues in the past, they have clearly not been with implantation, my lining has always looked good, and implantation has been early—probably day 8-ish, with enough HCG being produced to generate a positive test by day 10. The only reason I’m even contemplating making a last minute appointment, is that I have not had any sustained cramps yet, only momentary scattered twinges.  Day 7-9 has been my range for sustained noticeable cramping in the last cycles, so I’m a little nervous that the huge wave has not begun. Of course, it may just mean that I’m not pregnant, but in case not,  I’m wondering whether it is worth going, to use the kitchen sink approach, both to calm me and also *possibly* help in case there is a little embryo swimming around that could use a hand to stick.

If you were not be hopelessly undecided like I am, considering my past history and the evidence supporting an implantation promoting role for acupuncture, what would you do?


  1. I'd try the accupunture.  If it doesn't work, you're only out $100, if it does work, you could get a good strong implantation that sticks around like it should. 

  2. For each IVF cycle I did acupuncture. Did nothing for my successful IUI cycle. For me, NOT stressing was my number one priority, and for me that included not taking Chinese herbs or doing acupuncture or burning anything over pressure points.

    I say do whatever brings you peace of mind.

  3. It's up to you.  My last doctor didn't have me do acupuncture from after transfer through my first trimester, even though I did it weekly for over a year.  If it's not something you do regularly, I'm not sure there is an advantage to adding it in periodically... just my humble opinion.

  4. I didn't have any acupuncture during my first IVF cycle, but for my second IVF, I did do acupuncture a 2dp5dt and that successful was successful.  

    While I can't say with any certainty that having acupuncture made the difference, I can say that had I not done it and had my second cycle not worked, I would definitely regret that decision.  I know that simply because when my first IVF failed, I regretted not doing everything (ie. taking supplements/acupuncture) to give the cycle the best chance for success.

  5. I'd do it, but mainly because I always feel so much better after acupuncture.  

  6. Yes, its my 100$ chill pill :) I'm sure I'll need it once I'm along this journey again!

  7. Joining the chorus to say I'd do it. Ultimately I think the benefits of acupuncture are when it is done regularly throughout the cycle, but doing it around implantation may help you relax and assist the implantation along and like others have pointed out it is better to spend the $100 than regret not doing so at a later date.
    I have my fingers crossed for you!

  8. Jay, sorry to chime in late. I'd say maybe do it for piece of mind. But my guess is that a lot of other factors are much more important.

    (Crossing fingers for you.).

  9. I think you will have a baby this year, good things happen to good people. So pray, enjoy the vomiting that will soon follow and be happy. I think its time to stop analysing anything. 

  10. Wonder if you decided to go for additional acupuncture or not.
    Thinking of you. It's getting mighty close to testing time and I am wondering how you are doing, my friend. Hoping so much for good news.
