Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Off the starting line...again

The results of the 2nd transfer are in; the surrogate (J) is pregnant, with the beta being 191.5 mIU/mL on the 15th day of embryonic life.

I did a happy dance (which mostly involved hyperventilation) till I realized that is a low value; my first 2 pregnancies were around 450 mIU/mL at this point, while my 3rd pregnancy (the trisomy) was in this range, being around 140 mIU/mL.

Some trisomies tend to have lower beta values, while others (like trisomy 21) can present with higher values.

I'm trying to think of everything possible to explain this; I'm tiny (I weigh just over a 100 pounds), while J could easily be twice my size, which means she has a much higher blood volume as well, which means a same amount of hormone produced is getting diluted in a much larger volume of blood----yeah---that is what I'm going to go with.  I'm so not clutching at straws, right?

The good news is this is not likely to be a twin pregnancy, which is great if it actually continues.

Off we go again; pregnancy #4 is underway. 


  1. Congrats! No, it's not a high value but it's certainly not abysmally low, either.

    In my experience (and I, too, am just about 100 lbs) I had a super high beta (like higher than twins high) with one successful pregnancy and one wickedly low one. The first was a girl, the second a boy, the first with my own eggs, the second with a donor. Admittedly, that second pregnancy was wonky (lost a twin and ended up with IUGR) but chromosomally all was well. That is, I think there are probably MANY factors that play into betas.

    Wishing you well.

  2. Thanks! I think that the main determinant behind HCG value variation in the population is actually the genetics of the parents; some people have HCG genes with weak promoters, while others have strong promoters.

    So as long as the same people are providing the sperm and the egg, there should not be too much variation.

  3. Oh, YEAH! Warmest congrats, Jay.
    And yes, there are many things that could go wrong and it is still so early. But trying to understand anything from such a middle-of-the-road beta is like reading tea leaves. While there is the possibility that the pregnancy won't evolve, it is also worth reminding yourself that healthy babies start out like this. And that is what I am most hoping for: that this is the beginning of your healthy baby.

  4. My beta was 156 on 14dpIUI and 267 on 16dpIUI - your surrogate's value seems to be right in the ballpark! Hang in there - exciting, scary times!!

  5. OMG!!! YES!! YES!! YES!!!

    Oh and that beta is good to go! Try not to drive yourself crazy with numbers (yeah right!)

    I am so happy for you and I'm praying that little bean keeps growing and growing!!

  6. Congratulations and all my wishes and hopes that this is the beginning of a healthy preganancy! I had two pregnancies using the same donor, two years apart, with vastly different betas - one very low, and one higher than many twin pregnancies. Both were healthy singletons. So, yes, try not to read too much into it. Fingers crossed for you!

  7. At 9dt my 5dt with hatching embryos my beta was 185 and I'm pregnant with twins. I really think how the number doubles is more important. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

  8. Congrats! When is the repeat beta?

  9. Good luck to you and J! My beta with Smudgie at 15dpiui was 225, so right in the same range. Everything was obviously fine in that pregnancy. 191 is a good beta for this point! Try (it's impossible, but try) not to dwell on things like that. It's out of your control, but that doesn't mean it will be bad.

  10. That's great news! Try to be happy.
    I'm not one who buys 100% into "It's the doubling, not the number that matters" - when my beta at 12dp3dt came back at 56- I knew something wrong was happening... but 191 sounds much better than that to me.
    Try to concentrate on the good and role with it. Good luck!

  11. This is amazing news! I am so very happy for you! I'd say try not to worry...but you will. So I will say try to enjoy the excitement too. Congratulations again!

  12. Wonderful news! Try to enjoy it!

  13. I am sending you all good wishes for a healthy pregnancy, and some serenity over the next few weeks as you are able to learn more as things unfurl. Congratulations on being off the starting line. fingers crossed for you...


  14. Good luck - I have read heaps of low beta stories (lower than this!) being succesful. It may just be a late implanter! Don't give up - just enjoy the good news!

  15. I hope this one works out for you - I bet it is scary and exciting all at once. Best of luck!

  16. Congratulations Jay ! Thats a wonderful news :)

  17. Congratulations Jay! I'm so happy for you! I hope you can try to enjoy this time; pregnant until proven otherwise, ok?
